Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1546: Sonnet XXXVII

Thassirian king in peace, with foule desire,
And filthy lustes, that staynd his regall hart
In warre that should set princely hartes on fire :
Did yeld, vanquisht for want of marciall art.
The dint of swordes from kisses semed strange :
And harder, than his ladies syde, his targe :
From glutton feastes, to souldiars fare a change :
His helmet, farre aboue a garlands charge.
Who scace the name of manhode did retayn,
Drenched in slouth, and womanish delight,
Feble of sprite, impacient of pain :
When he had lost his honor, and his right :
Proud, time of wealth, in stormes appalled with drede,
Murthered himself, to shew some manful dede.


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